My First IBM Encounter

My First IBM Encounter

In 1999 I was working as a RF engineer for Tybrin Corporation at Edwards Air Force Base EAFB. I fell a few times and started dropping things without understanding why. I was 60+ years old, playing racquetball during lunch hour, golfing on weekends. I just thought the incidents were me just being clumsy because of age. After I fell, stepping out of a golf cart, I assumed my knees were getting weaker. A visit to a doctor and an x-ray might pinpoint the problem.

The doctor in Lancaster, Ca referred me to an MRI facility in Panorama City, Ca. After getting negative results, the doctor suggested my condition may be the onset of either Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS) or Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD), most likely LGMD. So I assumed that my future was going to be coping with the progression of LGMD and didn’t alter my lifestyle very much.

Looking thing up or using the internet to research my problem did not occur to me. l figured periodic visits to the doctor would keep me up to date on my progression of LGMD.

One time as I was leaving work and started to get into my car,  I fell to my knees. My legs just gave out. On another occasion I fell down a few stairs in my house and fell on the carpet. Often I would drop things. I remember carrying several folders of documents to my office and dropping them scattering the pages on the floor. Thinking back now these were early indications of a weakness coming over me.

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